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We only have one ticket for all guests, the only difference is that partners have booked certain areas. Everyone is equal at Welcomehack and the ticket is 120 DKK ex. fee's and tax).
We have a no refund policy!
Any issues with tickets please contact us!
You must be age 18 on the day of the event to be able to get in.
You must have valid ID, passport, drivers license, calling your mom won't fly here.
That is all!
With the combination of being in what is The (absolutely not) Capital of Scandinavia city of Stockholm we have a lot of good content for you this time around. We have moved to O'Learys Tolv which is the biggest O'Learys of the mall. With access to a major arcade, events coming in from our partners, and fun areas planned you can be sure to have a great time at WelcomeHack STHLM 2024.
If you are just googling writing O'Learys Tolv is the best keyphrase.
Arenavägen 69, 121 77 Johanneshov, Sverige
Closest Metro Station is Globen
There is alternatively the possibility to get off at Gullmarsplan and walk the last distance. TheGreen / Orange line
The bus terminal by Gullarmarsplan with busses on the 40 line are 5 minutes walk from the venue.
Plan your trip here.
Trackmania Tourney
Location:Inferno Online
Time: 10:00 - 17:00
Join for the best Trackmania Tournament the day before DreamHack at Inferno online! Then head to O'Learys to celebrate your sick personal best times!
Meetup O'Learys
Location: O'learys Tolv
Time: 20:00
Meetup for those that are O'Learys the day before the event. Come by say hi to your friends!
Location: O'learys Tolv
Time: 20:00 - 03:00
The best social party for gamers in the WORLD... of Scandinavia! Come by and meet streamers, gamers, and friends. Well it's this website, so you probably already know about it!
DreamHack Official Party
Location: ?
Time: ?
DreamHack hosts their official party today! If you know where to go, and get invited! Then you will be there! If you want to go somewhere else if not invited, may we suggest Kappa Bar!
Aftermath! Afterparty!
Location: O'learys Tolv
Time: 20:00 - 03:00
The final night, and afterparty after the event! Come by and say hi to your friends. Super chill vibes, with DJ and drinks with friends and your chance to have some fun until late!